Captikʷɬ t Swara̓k’xn, the Legend of Frog Mountain


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ISBN: 978-1-7778129-1-1 Paperback:  Pages Published: 2023 Weight: N/A Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


Captíkʷɬ t Sw̓ar̓ák̕xən, the Legend of Frog Mountain, as told by Sinixt elder Eva Orr (1910-2006), is the first book to be published in Snslxcin, the Interior Salish language of the Sinixt Peoples, a dialect on the verge of extinction.

Part of the language revitalization work of the Autonomous Sinixt, this story of Sinixt survival, embodied in a well-known Slocan Valley landmark, comes alive in vivid illustrations. Also included is an English translation and information for educators.

Listen to Eva Orr tell the story in her language here.

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