A great year!
Despite 2021’s many global challenges, Maa Press had a great year.
We released two titles, a Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ map in June, and a second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way The latter invites readers to engage with the stories of Sinixt təmxʷulaʔxʷ through lively oral storytelling, original artwork, written discussion, and reflection.
We also expanded our network of retailer partners to 35 stores in 18 Columbia Basin communities, and we had a great time contributing to the #BuyBasinFestival and the Slocan Valley Cheer campaign.
Coming in 2022…
In 2022 we will release three new titles, a second edition of the Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ map (we burned through the first edition in five months), a Sinixt children’s book, and a Sinixt graphic novel. We are also looking forward to releasing our first media-rich e-book in partnership with Legible.com, a browser-based, mobile-first digital reading and publishing platform.
Of course we also have a strong backlist of titles by Kathy Sager, Luanne Armstrong, Ellen Burt, KL Kivi, and Debra Barrett. Find these on our website or in stores all over the region.
Image from Not Extinct, by Métis artist Tayler Scheckeveld.