Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun
Margaret Tessman reviewed our newest title, Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun, for Articulate’s Fall 2020 issue. You can read Margaret’s review here:
Margaret Tessman reviewed our newest title, Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun, for Articulate’s Fall 2020 issue. You can read Margaret’s review here:
Only 5 more days until our virtual launch of the second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way by Marilyn James and Taress Alexis! Seen here is the updated cover from the book. We are so excited to share all the new stories and artwork with you all. Don’t forget to sign up to…
Luanne Armstrong’s latest book, When We Are Broken, was reviewed by Beverly Cramp in the Fall 2020 edition of BC Bookworld. You can find it in the print edition (available at fine bookstores all over the province) or online on the BC BookLook site. Here’s a photo of the print edition.
We are so excited to announce the release of Luanne Armstrong’s newest book, When We Are Broken: The Lake Elegy. This limited edition of Luanne’s photography and poetry is available for $30 plus shipping here on our website. You can also find it at Otter Books, Touchstones Nelson, the Gray Creek Store, the Raven’s Nest,…
Despite 2021’s many global challenges, Maa Press had a great year. We released two titles, a Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ map in June, and a second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way The latter invites readers to engage with the stories of Sinixt təmxʷulaʔxʷ through lively oral storytelling, original artwork, written discussion, and reflection. We…
A review of Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun by Lorna Visser, Director of the Valhalla Foundation for Ecology “Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun is a charming children’s book that tells the story of Mother Reindeer bringing the sun back after the winter solstice. She leaps to the sun and brings it back on…
Maa Press is planning to publish a series of Sinixt children’s picture books and we are looking for artists to contribute illustrations! The artists chosen will be paid royalties after the books are produced and selling. Interested artists should send a letter about why you are interested in this work and one or two (ONLY)…