A busy winter so far
It’s been a busy winter at Maa Press.
In mid-January the Blood of Life Collective, in collaboration with the Slocan Valley Community Arts Council, launched Not Extinct – A Sinixt Virtual Exhibit, an interactive website based on the Maa Press book, Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way (1st edition), by Marilyn James and Taress Alexis.This virtual experience shares audio recordings of the stories from the book and a Snslxcin language-learning page as part of the T’kikstn Language Revitalization Project.
Early February found Maa Press Publisher K.L. Kivi presenting the second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way at the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre and Autonomous Sinixt. In the memorandum, the RMDC commits to protect and preserve cultural assets and share traditions from the Autonomous Sinixt perspective. Due to COVID regulations the signing was not public, but a video recording of the event will be available in the coming weeks.
Last week the Not Extinct Teacher Resource team posted two new lesson plans, Mom’s Residential School Experience, and Women Remember, on the Not Extinct Teacher’s Resource blog. There are now 23 lesson plans on the site and still more to come!
The second edition of our Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ map is now available in stores and on our web store. You can choose from the folded version or the laminated wall map.
Finally, we’re pleased to announce that CBEEN, the regional network for environmental education in the Columbia Basin is hosting a workshop on Thursday, February 24 (4pm Pacific / 5pm Mountain) with Not Extinct authors Marilyn James and Taress Alexis. The workshop is free but you must pre-register on CBEEN’s website.