Marilyn James

A great year!
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A great year!

Despite 2021’s many global challenges, Maa Press had a great year. We released two titles, a Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ map in June, and a second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way The latter invites readers to engage with the stories of Sinixt təmxʷulaʔxʷ through lively oral storytelling, original artwork, written discussion, and reflection. We…

Maa Press launches second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way
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Maa Press launches second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way

Only 5 more days until our virtual launch of the second edition of Not Extinct: Keeping the Sinixt Way by Marilyn James and Taress Alexis! Seen here is the updated cover from the book. We are so excited to share all the new stories and artwork with you all. Don’t forget to sign up to…

Maa Press and Smum iem publish new Sinixt map
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Maa Press and Smum iem publish new Sinixt map

Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ (homeland) maps are now available in local stores, museums, and tourism offices and on the Maa Press website. The beautifully illustrated 24″ x 36″ colour map represents Sinixt təmxʷúlaʔxʷ, complete with place names labeled in Sn-selxin (the Interior Salish dialect spoken by Sinixt Peoples.) On the back you’ll find information about Sinixt history…