Lorna Visser reviews new local children’s book by Kathy Sager
A review of Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun by Lorna Visser, Director of the Valhalla Foundation for Ecology
“Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun is a charming children’s book that tells the story of Mother Reindeer bringing the sun back after the winter solstice. She leaps to the sun and brings it back on her antlers, to warm the earth. The story is told with gently colourful illustrations and age-appropriate text. The book also conveys an important message about endangered Mountain Caribou and their relationship to the land, with a simple message about how we can help them. This is a lovely book as a solstice gift for a child in your life, or the child in you!”
Image: Mountain caribou by wildlife photographer and author David Moskowitz